The “Grace After Meals” prayer, often referred to as the “Blessing After Meals” or “Thanksgiving After Meals,” is a prayer of gratitude traditionally recited by Christians...
The “Grace Before Meals” prayer is a traditional Christian blessing said before eating. The purpose of the prayer is to offer thanks to God for the...
The Morning Offering is a traditional Catholic prayer that consecrates the day to God, offering up all its moments, challenges, joys, and sufferings. By praying the...
The Serenity Prayer is a widely recognized prayer adopted by many, especially within the recovery community, including organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous. The prayer is known for...
The “Magnificat” is the Latin title for the Canticle of Mary, a biblical hymn spoken by Mary, the mother of Jesus, in the Gospel of Luke...
The Prayer to the Guardian Angel is a Christian prayer that addresses the guardian angel assigned by God to watch over each person. It’s a prayer...
The “Come, Holy Spirit” prayer is a traditional Christian invocation asking for the guidance, presence, and influence of the Holy Spirit. It’s often recited during moments...
The Divine Praises prayers are a series of acclamations giving praise to God, as well as to the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the angels and saints....
The Act of Contrition is a Christian prayer expressing sorrow for sins and seeking God’s mercy and forgiveness. It’s especially associated with the Roman Catholic Church,...
The “Glory Be Prayer,” also known as the “Doxology,” is a short hymn of praise to the Holy Trinity. It is used frequently in various Christian...